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Site Description
TechiWarehouse is a very simple yet informative site to say the least. The whole point of this website is to let programmers, network technicians, database designers, computer beginners, etc... of all kinds to come here, quickly look for what they want, and get the heck out. The purpose of the internet is to provide and share information, quickly and efficiently. So why keep the general population of the web away?
Whether the visitor is a code, web, script, or designer programmer; network admin, user, part of a workgroup; and so on there is something here for all. Since people should stick to what they do best, we have sworn not to let down the IT/Web community.
A quick minded products manufacturer or service provider will immediately understand the scope of TechiWarehouse; and they can make an instant judgment (Note: It's always advised to take little bit of time to get to know the site and it's audience before any commitments.) of this site's content in relations to the viewer they are trying to attract.
Following is just a handfull of advertisers that have had great success with TechiWarehouse:
American Express America Online AT&T
Budget Living Blue Dolphin Cheap Tickets
Disney Google GoToMyPC
Hotels.Com ING Direct ITT Technical Institute
Microsoft Match Maker MVP Sports Book
Optimum Online Spiegel Verio
Smiley Central VeriSign Verizon DSL
Visa Xerox X-10
For any price quote, please send out your querry by clicking here.
Banner Ad Sizes
As of September 15, 2003, TechiWarehouse can accomodate almost all sizes of banners as well as popunder advertising, text links, and intermercials.

Following are the most common sizes:
This banner is a 468x60 pixel banner aka "Full Size Banner" is almost always placed on top of all our pages. Please click here to learn more about this banner.

This banner is a 728x90 pixel banner aka "The 728 Banner". Please click here to learn more about this banner.

This banner is a 250x250 pixel banner aka "The Block". Please click here to learn more about this banner.

This banner is a 120x600 pixel banner aka "The Skyscraper" is almost always placed on the left hand side of all our pages. Please click here to learn more about this banner.

This banner is a 160x800 pixel banner aka "The Giant Skyscraper". Please click here to learn more about this banner.

An example of a text link is what you see on the left hand side of the banner on top of this page. Click here to get there.

Ad Statisctics
Geo-Stats As Per Informed by Burst:

Country Views Clicks
USA 13.85% 8.84%
Germany 6.76% 3.74%
France 6.19% 6.82%
Italy 5.91% 3.41%
Brazil 5.11% 4.9%
Spain 3.49% 1.68%
Netherlands 3.43% 2.74%
Canada 2.93% 2.94%
Russia 2.35% 3.26%
Czech Republic 2.17% 1.69%
Poland 2.12% 3.99%
Australia 2.11% 1.53%
Republic Of Korea 2.05% 0.65%
Unidentifiable 2.03% 0.22%
Portugal 2.02% 1.17%
Taiwan 2% 1.02%
Belgium 1.87% 1.08%
Argentina 1.76% 1.57%
Hungary 1.59% 1.13%
Mexico 1.56% 1.54%
All Others 28.69% 35.43%


Which of the following groups includes your age? - 289 Responses

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What level of education have you completed? - 193 Responses

What is your total household income? - 183 Responses

What is your occupation? - 181 Responses

Have you bookmarked this site? - 173 Responses

In a typical week, about how much time do you spend using the Internet? - 146 Responses

On average, how much time do you spend on this site in a typical visit? - 143 Responses

How frequently do you visit this site? - 142 Responses

Note: Due to rounding, column totals may not add to exactly 100%.

The following stats are for 468x60 pixel banner for the month of September year 2003. These stats are taken by DoubleClick DART system.

Average Impressions by Day of Week
Average Impressions by Day of Week

Average Impressions by Hour of Day
Average Impressions by Hour of Day

Average Impressions by Browser
Average Impressions by Browser

Average Impressions by Operating System
Average Impressions by Operating System

User Activity
Total visitors to this site 8,289,974
Total number of unique users who visited the site within the defined rolling window.

Total visitors this month 4,645,149
Total number of users who visited the site during the month. This number includes unique users and the first visit of the month for return visitors.

New visitors this month 4,202,675
The total number of unique users who visited the site for the first time this month.

Number of visits this month 7,339,971 Visits
The total number of visits to a site this month. This number includes visits by unique users, return users, and the first visit of the month for return visitors.

Average visits per user per month 1.58 Visits
The average number of times a user visited the site during the month.

Average impressions per visit 2.97 impressions
The average number of impressions served to a user during a visit to the site.

Average length of visit 1.82 minutes
The average amount of time that a user stayed on the site during a visit.

3rd Party Audits
All formats of Ads running on TechiWarehouse are subject to outside/3rd party auditing. We will never recommend that any advertiser solely remain content without some type of 3rd party to be able to verify ad impressions. We in almost all cases use DoubleClick's DART technology to see exactly everything there is to see regarding the ads running on our site. This way, the advertiser (you) and the publisher (us) both may feel a sense of security. To learn more about the DART system please visit .
More Info
For further information, please click here.
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